A look back at the Summer Summit

by | Oct 18, 2022

The annual Celebrate Recovery Summit was held at The Potter’s House in Dallas this year. We’re not aware
of anyone who made the trip ‘across the pond’ but some of us very much enjoyed tuning in online.

The 3-day event never disappoints! There were so many highlights, but perhaps my top 7 are as follows:

  1. Cheryl Baker sharing her journey through grief
    The co-founder of Celebrate Recovery shared openly about her grief of losing John, her husband and
    founder of Celebrate Recovery, in February 2021. Forming a support group with other grieving women was
    a great comfort to her, and the principles of Celebrate Recovery helped her find hope again.
  2. Seeing old friends of Celebrate Recovery UK
    The Summit is an opportunity to hear from the heart of this ministry. It keeps us connected to the US
    National Team, some of whom are special friends through their visits to UK conferences in past years.
  3. The fun from The Skit Guys
    These two men brought light relief, yet always managed to challenge us as they did.
  4. The panel discussions
    Discussions on topics such as mental health, and the small group guidelines were real and practical.
  5. Testimonies
    Hearing how Jesus is healing and changing people is a favourite part of my job as a Ministry Leader!
  6. Fab worship and learning new songs
    The Summit gave me a wider repertoire of recovery-relevant songs that I loved singing along to and I
    hope to introduce one or two to my own Celebrate Recovery ministry.
  7. Loads of great talks from great speakers to challenge and shape us
    Talks on wide-ranging topics from various styles of speaker challenged and encouraged.

Watching online was a blessing. It’s even better in person. My only in-person Summit was in 2015. I think
it’s time to consider another trip ‘across the pond’…

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