Stay in Touch

Wherever in the world you live, we'd love to keep you connected with Celebrate Recovery in the UK. To get in touch with one of our Regional Representatives please use the links provided below.

Contact one of our Regional Representatives

If you would like further information, would like to start a group or simply have a question, please get in touch with your regional representative.

Tony Turner

Tony Turner

United Kingdom Director and Midlands, Wales & South of England CR Representative


Call Tony on:

01332 332044

07800 977054


Email Tony

Catherine Robinson

Catherine Robinson

North East and Scotland CR Representative

Call Catherine on:

0191 2127424

07742 448493


Email Catherine

Kath Leigh

Kath Leigh

North West and Northern Ireland CR Representative

Call Kath on:

07885 922210


Email Kath

For further information on each of our Regional Representatives, please visit our Who Runs Celebrate Recovery page.

Sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter

Our newsletters are packed with news, information, success stories, celebrations, event information and anything Celebrate Recovery-related.

Signup here to get these newsletters directly into your inbox. We usually send out four a year; at New Year and in the spring, summer, and autumn.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Our quarterly newsletters started in 2017, they are packed with lots of news and information about Celebrate Recovery and the past ones can be found on our Newsletters Page.

Connect with us on Social Media

Have a question for us?

If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to on our Website, please click here to visit our FAQs to see if it’s listed there.

If it’s not, please get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you. 

Find a Group


Northern Ireland

North of England



South of England