My Identity In Christ – A Poem

by | Aug 9, 2023

In Principle 5, I realised my character defect of allowing my thinking and behaviours to be controlled by what others thought of me (or what I was mind reading them to think of me). This led to basing my belief system on wrong beliefs which developed into depression and avoidance behaviours.

I was challenged to think about how I could respond to these thoughts with what God says. This led to a deeper exploration into my identity in Christ.

I’m reading through the New Testament letters and letting the beautiful truths of who God says I am sink in through reflecting and writing. I now actively choose to believe what He says over what others say or even what I say about me. This is helping me find my true value, worth and purpose in Him.

Here’s what I found in Romans.


Once dead in sin, these chains are free (6:7)

I belong to the Lord (14:8), eyes on Christ, not me.

Satan fights to tell me of the darkness within,

But when God looks at me, I’m justified, He sees no sin (5:1)

There is no condemnation (8:1), sins power is gone (6:14)

I’m alive now forever (6:23), In Christ – that’s my song.

With God as my Father (8:15), I’m an heir of the king (8:17)

And Christ as my brother (8:17) my heart must sing. 

There’s a war still within me (7:23) groaning, each day I must fight

Knowing it’s conquered through God’s love, that’s my delight (8:37)

God’s Spirit lives in me (8:9), I’m being made new (12:2)

I’m a saint (1:7) in glory I’ll fully bear His likeness too (8:29)

A slave to righteousness (6:18), I’m released from the law (7:6)

A child of the promise (9:8), I must stand in awe.

As Christians, we’re different, but in Christ we are one (12:5)

We’re God’s people together, through His one precious son (9:25)

Not through our good, we have none (3:10), chosen by grace (11:5) we can rest, 

Having peace with the Father (5:1) and eternally blessed.

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